One of the the places you see the emphasis on family is here at the airport. Whole families come to pick people up. There were a number of older, frail women that would have stayed home at midnight in the US. My heart went out to them in the heat and congestion at the late hour.
She sat on the floor most of the time while the girls amused themselves on the luggage carrier. At one point, they all got up to rearrange themselves. One of the girls went to sit down on the luggage thing and Granny deftly swung it aside at the last minute, dumping the girl on her butt. I'm not 100% sure she intended it, but I like to think austere Granny in the shawl was up for playing a late-night prank.
Good news is that Jona got in fine and we are getting ready to get down to the meat of the business.
Bad news is that the Dehli Belly is going around. I'm on the anti-bacterial, but only a day into the three-day protocol. Can't say I'm very psyched about lunch. The place in the hotel we usually eat at isn't that great, but not for the reasons you'd expect. It's actually too bland. I prefer the Indian restaurant in the hotel, but in my current state I want to avoid the spicy. Hopefully it turns out tomorrow.
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