I looked up from my work and realized it was 5:45pm.
Eep. I knew I had a package waiting for me, so I finished up my emails and packed to go home.
Now, what this means is that there was a Christmas present that was too big to fit in my mail slot or the auxiliary slot for sorta-big packages. So they left the package at the front desk of the complex and I could sign for it when I got back from the road.
Today was my first chance at that and the office closes at six. It sometimes takes 30-45 minutes to drive the 6 miles from work to home. Would I make it in time to get my package?
It seemed unlikely. With my license plates still unswitched to Texas, I get concerned about being pulled over for Driving While Yankee, so I like to keep the speed nice and legal, further hampering my chances to make it home in time for presents.
It's a chancey drive with a couple of sudden stops. Me looking at green lights instead of brake lights, but as I hit the home stretch it's 5:58. By the time I park it'll be 6pm. Will they close on the dot or linger? It looks dark in there, but I go on in and the place is stacked. Sweet.
One of the pretty young girls that works there saunters over, asking if I need help. It's strange, but in my apartment search nearly all of the places we looked at the helpers were all pretty young girls. Except that one old lady and that dude.
But I digress: it's helper time and we are finally getting to the Ridiculous Exchange that titles this blog entry.
I tell my helper my apartment number and she hauls out a big package.
"Oooh!" I say.
She smiles "Looks like a good one."
"Yes." I tell her, "and I don't get many presents."
Her eyes narrow slightly but she's still smiling "Aw, how come?"
"Because I'm always on the Naughty list!" I confess.
She chuckles as I sign the form and then notices the sticker on the box.
"Look" she says "It says it has alcohol in the box! That's nice."
I go from fake-embarassed at being fake-naughty to fake-excited again. "How nice!" I exclaim.
Yes, yes, fun exchange. I go home, get my mail and stuff and finally get to the package:

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