Everyone is concerned that biter may have been the dreaded Brown Recluse.
If you want to gross yourself out, Google the results of a Brown Recluse bite. The venom is acidic and gives you this flesh-eating creepout effect. Bleagh. Even without that drama, a regular bite can get you all swollen and troubled.
One of the kids on my team was talking about all the black widows she sees on her horse farm. She was talking about the marks like it was something you hadn't seen in comic books and horror films a billion times. Black freaking widows! Acid-biting spiders! Poison snakes! Dead armadillos! Go Texas!
So I was thinking about the vile critters as I rolled home. I was taking out the trash and a lizard took off like a shot. He was in the garage somehow and was now cruising across the pavement. He was a round little thing and his short legs gave his body a comedic swaying motion as he ran. I'd seen him around before, so in the hopes that he decides to come over again I decided to nickname him Fatty.
This of course is a nod to the hilarious Fatty the Groundhog that lived in my parent's yard for some time.
But what was Fatty doing in the garage? Just visiting? Cooling off? It was nearly 100° that day. But methinks there was a more culinary reason in his choice of hangout. So today I scoped out the garage to see what was up. Sure enough: weird beetles here and there in the corners. Gross. Not a lot of them, mind you, but enough to bring Fatty over for some nom nom nom.

I squished him in a tissue and continued my day.
For a minute there, I thought the photo was of a brown recluse (being as the pic was situated next to the headline), and I thought, "Oh, the heat has really gotten to this boy!" Glad you don't have spidey in your garage! Nicely written, nicely shot -- keep these Tales of Texas coming!
you might consider hanging out a shingle indicating "bug portraits" your pix r super! you might consider publishing 'bug tales of the old west' with dialogue and sets! the possibilities are . . . . .