Here, we can see that Mike has also had an influence on Nethra. At least on Nethra's hairdo. He came in today with a new look and everyone was saying it was all Mike. I walked up to him with a clipboard and starting saying "Ok, Mike I need those TPS reports by Monday..." Then I lost it at my own lame jape and busted off down the aisle laughing like a fool.
Now, my plan for this engagement was arranged so that the two graphics trainers, Mike and Shawn, would bond with their classes and leave me as the heavy. They nuture and coach them along, I scare them and get mad about their performance. That's what I've done, so it was kind of unusual for me to be playing jokes like that on them.
It's a new role for me. I'm usually the one winning the class' hearts and helping them along. Now I'm the guy giving them a stern lecture about how their output isn't cutting it and where the hell are all those hot ads? I can't say I'm upset about it. I took this job to try new things and to do more managing. This is that. It's interesting that it's happening in a different country. I wonder how I'll come out on the other side. I think I've learned a fair amount this trip.
He's one of the night guards. He's maybe 5'2". Little whip of a guy. He comes around checking on who's where and who needs a ride. He doesn't spreak very good English. Mostly he grins at us like this and waves.
Personally, he terrifies me. This is the guy who smiles all day but when the stuff goes down, he's the Chief Interogation Officer under Pol Pot. I think this dude could do some real damage. Check him out. That grin could be the last thing you see.
JK of course. Time for bed. Early day tomorrow- Nat'l Park day! Wahoo.
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