Her text requested that we kindly prepone the meeting.
Prepone? Ah; the opposite of postponing. I suppose that makes it just poning if you don't do anything.
My counterpart supervisor was talking about this restaurant she had been to where the (female) waitresses and staff were all dressed very provocatively. It came as sort of a shock to her.
Later, I was in a separate conversation with other folks about differing BBQ places in the area. I mentioned the restaurant where the girls dress slutty. Everyone knew immediately what I was talking about: oh that place. That's a breastaurant.
A what now?
Breast-aurant. Apparently that phenomenon is pretty common here; they were all able to rattle off half a dozen of them. Oh, brother.
These are some snaps I was working on earlier.
I spent some time trying different lighting and aperture combinations to see what would happen. After a while, I had something I was amused with and started setting new arrangements. The brussel-sproat looking thing back there is one of those vase-fillers you buy at Target. I was happy with the sharpness falloff I was getting on it, so I was looking forward to editing them. Imagine my sadness when I saw that I had captured all the little ugly tears in the surface and sloppy glue trails that held it together.
Should have looked closer. Instead I preponed my editing and ended up with a smaller set of things to choose from. Even the "keepers" I'm showing you here you can see the glue amd stuff.
Maybe you can see the "glue and stuff," but I can't -- these just look gorgeous to me. Love the lighting and admire your patience. Someday maybe I'll get to that level.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you back in the more frequent blogging business and settling in to your new environs.
This blog was a crack up. Love looking at your photos...