This morning I woke up hard and slow.
Everything was ponderous and I felt like my feet weighed a hundred pounds.
After struggling through a shave and shower I was buoyed by the sight of a cool sunrise-lit cloud line over the ocean. It was dramatic, red and independent from the rest of the sky. I fished my memory card out of the reader, plugged it back into the camera and continued dressing.
But everything was still slow and I felt drugged. By the time I was ready to leave the cloudline had been burned apart by the rising sun. I hesitated and wavered my hand over it, but in the end I left the camera bag on the coffee table. The sky was dull and flat now.
Next it's time to get gas. The place was full so I went around the corner and got coffee.
I finally got back to the pump and walked around the car to open the cap. Each step around the car seemed like a chore. Time was running incredibly slowly. I watched the numbers of the gas pump escalate like I was under water. $1.00... $1.10... $1.15. Each number seemed to tick by ridiculously slowly. Birds flew by with wing flaps so exaggerated I was dully surprised they stayed aloft.
Then a disembodied voice said "Stop".
I looked around but there was no one around.
"Stop." said the deep, authoritative voice again.
It was the guy from the store over the speaker. I had shopped there a hundred times but never heard the speaker before. I was somehow surprised it existed. "Stop" he repeated. "Stop the pump for 5 seconds and start again. It will go faster."
I nodded and obeyed. Success! The gas started flowing faster and my brain began to keep pace, pulled into the timescape of the living by a five second pump pause.
With my brain right I saw the good light had slipped around behind the house next door and was illuminating it with dazzling results. I should have taken my camera after all.
Sounds like you needed some of that good Black Magic! Well, maybe if you'd been operating at full steam you'd have missed that lovely sunrise. Hope you're back to normal (and not catching whatever Matt had!)