Friday, December 25, 2009

The comeback

I'm back home for now and wiped out.
I took a cab back from Logan. When I first leaned in towards the front seat to explain where I was going (they always want to look it up in their book) I caught a whiff of a familar odor and could tell in the dark that he was prolly Indian. Sure enough: Punjabi. I wonder if after two months of the food I'll get that aura as well.
The shot above is Gururaja. On the last day of training we all got together for snaps. Previously I had joked that we would all need to wear funny hats for the shot. Incredibly, Yvette produced a box of just that. There was a general tumult as they all tried on silly hats and feather boas.
The photos were a learning moment. I previously posted that I wanted to light the backgrounds to get separation. You can see from the shadows Im using on-axis and a hard light from camera right. I tried to light the background as well, but couldnt put enough distance between subject and background. Also worth noting that a shiny, reflective background like a drywipe board can't have hard light pointed directly at it. Looking at that ugly hard light, I wish I had improvised a diffuser of some sort. There was plenty of paper around. In all the chaos I kind of just went with it and ended up with snapshots instead of portraits,

Posted from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I do love this photo, call it snap or whatever. I like the immediacy, and the whiteboard gives a sense of the moment, glare/shadow or no.

    Must be nice to be home!
