I have travel reservations.
I have a hotel reservation even. The Chancery Pavilion in Bangalore:
Mind you, the word is "Bangalore", but my kids tell me the fresh, local way to say it is "Banglaroo!" But maybe they are just playing tricks on me. They could write their own blogs about how badly I pronounce all the phrases they try to teach me.
What do I want to do in India? Well, Bangalore has a cool local palace that looks pretty shiny. I want to see the shrines to Hanuman, Udishdera and all the guys I like. I want to disobey all the rules about not eating street food and going out alone. I don't know that I will be able to do much longer travelling. This makes it seem like visiting Kashmir won't happen. Kushal tells me that it's not a very safe idea to travel there anyway. I'm torn about the Taj Mahal. It's a long way away, but how often are you in India? Maybe more than once, and I'm not on vacation.
But the real real travel is to CT next week to see the fam!
I can't wait. But of course, I have zero XMas shopping done. I'm unconcerned. This trip is almost done. Two more to go.
The above photo is l-r Mohan, Darshan, Senthil, and Sham. Shot in the dark training room. I lit it with two flashes crossing from either direction pointing at the ceiling. I had a hard time keeping from getting the shadows too crazy. This one is sort of okay, but not really what I wanted. I clearly need to work more.
We can't wait to see you! Better get your shop on!