Friday, December 18, 2009

Personal Space

Here we are in the minivan on the way to work this morning. The shot was taken from the dashboard. You can see we have to get a little close. In general, they have different values about space, boundaries and distance, as one would expect from people with that dense a population.
For example, my camera was on the desk. As i was doing something else, Darshan picked it up, scrolled through the pictures and even took a few snapshots of his own. I was fine with this and didn't say anything.
Cut to later that day, Darshan is outside at lunch and sees a motorcycle parked in the lot. He hops on and checks it out. Vroom vrooom! People upstairs in the production office notice this out the window and soon a crowd gathers. Eventually the dude who's bike it is comes out and says please stop that. Darshan is loveably harmless, so it goes well. But we've teased him about it ever since.
For those keeping score, that's Darshan in the passenger seat. I took the shot by putting flashes in the back and way back seats and firing them from the camera.

Posted from my iPhone

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